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Tips for Photographing Model - Angle & Pose

Tips for Photographing Model - Angle & Pose

Photography Tips - Some In Fotografi ago article discusses what tools are needed to build a pal studio photography simple. Well, after my friend had been setting the all the necessities as well as a camera, then you are ready to start shooting. Maybe Buddy would start to feel the greatest challenges when photographing models and not on technical issues, but because inevitably buddy should set your model poses.

For many photographers when coping with this little lot will feel more interested in photographing the landscape rather than dealing with a model which is actually a relative, friend or other non-professional models, why? Well .. because you have to give instructions on how they should pose.

This time In Fotografi will give you some basic tips on how they pose, but keep in mind your main task as a photographer is to make them feel relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera, if it is reached, then believe all the shooting process will flow naturally. Buddy before shooting in the studio can also find references pose through a magazine, a book, a photo gallery so you get fresh ideas about the poses that you are looking for.

The important thing is not just how you model poses. Buddy also need to consider your own angle, height of the camera when shooting would provide their own impact the end result is not your pictures? Here are three angle you could use the images and finally:

1. High Angle
The camera position is slightly higher than the model / subject can often provide a more interesting result. In general, the model will make the face thinner. Note that the neck and jaw seen more clearly, do not position the camera too high, because the position will look a little strange.

2. Angle Parallel (Eye Level)
Angle Eye level with proper lighting can be used on many circumstances. Note that the camera height will have an impact on how the results of your portrait photos. Your camera's LCD screen has an important role to help you review again the final result image. If Buddy lower height than the model, then use a box or a small ladder to reach the heights that fit.

3. Angle Low
Low angle general principle is: the lower the angle that you use will be reduced also appeal your portrait photo. Angle does not make you more lean subjects! Angle is often used for photographs coorporate, where leaders or directors of the company can get the impression of a large and powerful.

Here are three classic pose, which could give interesting results

Women pose
Pose the first in which the subject stands only the 'usual' will not produce an interesting portrait photos. Ask them a slight shift half their body back so that shows three-quarters of their bodies. The pose would be much more interesting. Adding the hands into the frame could also be interesting composition. But remember! Hands should not be too dominant, hand size can be almost equal to the face, making it potentially as a distraction.

Tips for Photographing Model - Angle & Pose coll and men
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Men pose
Just as women pose above, poses with just standing will not work present appeal. Ask you to move the male models foot one step forward and also weight slightly forward. This poses give the feel dominant and masculine. Slip one hand into his trouser pocket and you will get more interesting pose.

pose Couples
Pose the pair will be relatively more complex than the above two poses, buddy required to give some approaches based on the size and shape of your subject. The basic principle is both pose above can still apply in this couple pose. Photo aligned adjacent and facing the camera will not give an interesting photo, and on the other side of the photo shows three-quarters of the agency would be far more interesting. Perform the test by how the eyes interact. The eyes that stared at each other could provide a good image results.

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